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Stanislavski System Given Circumstances

Stanislavski System Given Circumstances 

Stanislavski System Given Circumstances, Given circumstances is a important technique of Stanislavskis were the environmental and situational conditions will influence your performance, for example my character Anya at the start of the play had just got back from a 4 day train journey (from Paris to Russia). Stanislavski System Given Circumstances , This will affect the way I move and speak due to my character  being tired and cold. Given circumstances are what Stanislavski believed we should do as soon as we have been given a script, Stanislavski System Given Circumstances , given circumstances are what help you answer the six fundamental questions (who, when, where, why, for what reason and how). The facts and conditions of life are also covered, this being key to my role as Anya as she is someone from wealth, the key obstacle to the play “The Cherry Orchard” from which my character Anya is taken, Stanislavski System Given Circumstances, is the severe loss of the wealth once owned. This obstacle being pivotal to promoting a change within the character throughout the play. Stanislavski System Given Circumstances 

To sum up:

WHO? who is your character but it is also helpful to sum up who the other characters are (acting is reacting, it is all about what your character “needs” from the other person)

WHAT? what is going on within the scene, the key talking point/ potential obstacle. What is it that the characters wish to ascertain.

WHERE? where are you, describe the room or if outdoors, describe the area. Nothing is too specific – you are creating a world, the world is not basic.

WHEN? what time of day, what time of year – remember this will affect a change within your character no matter how slight that change may be. It is also good to know when it comes to costume should such decision become your own…. you would not put your character in a summer dress in the midst of winter.

WHY? why is this conversation taking place. It is increasingly rare for you to find a meaningless conversation within a play, everyone wants and needs something. There are exceptions of course but this would come from a certain stylistic play.

For what reason and HOW? This is were you become more specific with the why, think about the reason behind this conversation, did something happen in the scene before? and how – did your character instigate this moment in the play or was it someone else.

REMEMBER – the text is full of clues and ideas, given circumstances is a tool to root for these clues and ideas but on a more basic level to get you started. Once you have used this tool, their is no reason for you not to dig deeper. Stanislavski System Given Circumstances 

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