How to Become a National Scholar for Student
![Imam Abu Hanifa Stories for All Muslim imam abu hanifa real name in urdu, teachers, family, books, , date of birth in hijri](
Treat the students with such sincerity and love that if someone sees them, they will think that they are his children.
When walking on the path, do not look left or right, always keep your eyes down and forward.
Pray for forgiveness for parents and teachers.
Take care of yourself and those who don't burden you, don't burden them.
Don't catch people on minor mistakes and don't show narrow-mindedness.
Whether you are in the mosque or in the gathering of Aghiars, if problems arise, do not show your disagreement to people.
Wisdom is that man waits for a new way from Allah Ta'ala and treats people with kindness.
Do not accept a service for which you are not qualified.
Don't walk around the markets too much and don't eat things on the way.
Who can be more virtuous than the one whose knowledge has not kept him free from sins?
Remember, if a piece of bread and a modest garment is accompanied by peace and prosperity, it is better than luxury followed by shame.
If a woman rises from her place, do not sit in her place until she is warm.
A person who has a big stomach cannot be ascetic and worshipful, so do not eat when your stomach is full, keep your body moving and seek help in this from the worship of Allah.
A person claimed prophethood during the time of Imam Abu Hanifa and asked me to give him a chance to present the signs of his prophethood. He said that there is no prophet after me.
Never betray your trust, even if people betray you.
Slavery is a solitary retreat in which no one is visible.
Associating with people and not being alone takes away from goodness, and one who talks only about actions is useless.
Allah Ta'ala keeps the friend in sorrow and the enemy in luxury.
Just as crying in Paradise is a strange thing, so laughing in the world is also a strange thing because neither heaven is a place to cry nor the world is a place to laugh.
A person whose heart is full of God's love is afraid of everything.
The amount of Zahid of a servant is as much as his attachment to the Hereafter.
Even if every pleasure in the world were permitted to me, I would still be as sorry for the world as people are for the forbidden and the dead.
People live like madmen in a cramped space.
If the hereafter were gray and the world was pure, then the world would remain mortal and people's desire would be towards the hereafter even though it is gray, but if the world is gray and the hereafter is pure, then people would not pay attention to the hereafter.
Do not get used to fine clothes and good food in this world because you will be deprived of these things in the Hereafter.
When someone is blessed with blessings in this world, his share in the hereafter is reduced because only what he has earned in this world will be found there.
Mutawakkil is the one who is not afraid of anyone except God and does not have hope in anyone because Tawakkul is the name of gratitude and contentment in God.
The act of pretending is involved in shirk.
Those habits destroy human dignity, avoid them. 1: Laughing for no reason. 2: Avoiding day and night vigils. 3: Advising others while not acting yourself.
There was an era when action was considered and an era when inaction was hypocrisy.
He has no mentor, his mentor is Satan.
The greatest wealth in Tariqat is one who obeys his mother, otherwise, it is better to die suddenly.
He is very close to Allah who carries the burden of others.
If in my entire life one word comes out of the right tongue, then there is no fear.
The power of one scholar is more than one hundred thousand ignorant people.
Love is to consider the excess of one's worship as little and the lack of worldly friends as much.
Asking for heaven without action is a great sin.
A person who abandons even one Sunnah cannot be the Wali of Allah.
I spent ten years improving my heart, language, and self. But of all these, I found the correction of the heart the most difficult.
People cannot consider you great by being arrogant, but you will be great only by being humble.
As you want Allah for yourself tomorrow. Be the same for him today.
The correct prayer is the one through which one meets Allah.
He was asked when a person becomes humble, and he said when he does not see any position or situation for himself and does not consider any of the people worse than him.
I saw Allah Almighty in a dream and asked? O my Lord, how can I attain You? Allah said: Abandon yourself and come to Me.
Keep two things on your tongue. 1. Thank God 2. Remember Allah then Allah will put the wealth of the whole world in your cradle.
For thirty years, Allah made me a mirror, but now I myself have become a mirror because I forgot myself in his memory.
Remembrance is not the name of plural numbers, but the name of abandoning neglect in remembrance of God. Despite my tireless efforts, the river did not open and when it did, it opened through suffering.
I tried to follow the right path in every way but all proved in vain. But when he walked with devotion, he reached the destination.
The one who carries the burden of others and has good manners is nearer to Allah.
If someone does a favor to you, first thank Allah and then thank that person because it is God who has been kind to you.
A grain of knowledge that is a pleasure. Where is he in the blessings of heaven?
Modesty is, in fact, that you should be modest with dervishes and arrogant with the rich.
If you do not become strong in thirty years and wise in forty years. So don't expect to become mighty and wise.
Happiness and silence are mild. On the back and heavy on the balance.
The birth of every child is a message that God is not yet disappointed with man.
Someone asked how the truth should be recognized. He said, becoming blind, deaf, and lame. That is, every evil that is from the eyes, ears, hands, and feet, by keeping oneself away from it, one can find the right path.
The world is a pride for the people of this world and the hereafter is the server for the people of the hereafter.
Never let family members do these 3 things. 1. Sending the questionnaire away empty-handed. 2. Discuss cooking space. 3. Talking during the call to prayer. Otherwise, wealth will never come.
When Allah's eyes fall on a servant, the deeds automatically become correct.
Arif's austerity is to keep watch over himself and Arif's identity is to stay away from creation in silence.
Someone asked why you praise hunger so much. He said if Pharaoh was hungry, he would never have said that I am God.
In which blessing there is ungratefulness. She can't stay forever.
In any gathering, we should increase the respect of the audience with our greetings and speeches. It should not be that anyone's heart is hurt by any of our actions.
Always strive for self-improvement. So that good quality are born in us.
What you don't have full knowledge of. Don't take it out of your tongue.
Avoid crowds as much as possible. This way your heart will be safe. The soul will remain pure and the body will get rest.
Do not tell your friend what you want to hide from your enemy, maybe he will not become your enemy one day.
Just as you can make someone a friend with your good manners. In the same way, you can become an opponent of your friends with bad behavior.
Do things in your youth that are useful both in religion and in the world.
Just as a particle of fire destroys the universe. In the same way, a herd destroys the human condition.
Never trust a woman who is narrow-minded and unconscious.
Do not let suspicion prevail over you so that you cannot find any sympathizers in the world.
Recognize people from all walks of life and treat them appropriately.
Keep consulting with reformed and wise people.
Do good and learn how to do good to the creatures. Stay away from evil and try to keep the creatures away from evil.
Talk slowly at night. So that no enemy of yours hears your words and harms you.
May you also get a share in the mercy in which you sit in the assembly listening to the mention of Allah? Run away from the meeting in which he sees negligence, even if it does not happen, he will be arrested.
Three things reduce obesity. Walking, eating less. To worship. Three things meet at once. Parents, beauty, youth.
Three things increase the mind. Fasting, Maswak, Recitation. Three things increase wealth. Charity, Tahajjud, thanks to Allah.
Hope is the anchor of life, leaving its support sinks the human boat in deep water.
Despite my tireless efforts, the river did not open and when it did, it opened through suffering.
I tried to follow the right path in every way but all proved in vain. But when he walked with devotion, he reached the destination.
The one who carries the burden of others and has good manners is nearer to Allah.
If someone does a favor to you, first thank Allah and then thank that person because it is God who has been kind to you.
A grain of knowledge that is a pleasure. Where is he in the blessings of heaven?
Modesty is, in fact, that you should be modest with dervishes and arrogant with the rich.
If you do not become strong in thirty years and wise in forty years. So don't expect to become mighty and wise.
Happiness and silence are light. On the back and heavy on the balance.
The birth of every child is a message that God is not yet disappointed with man.
Someone asked how the truth should be recognized. He said, becoming blind, deaf, and lame. That is, every evil that is from the eyes, ears, hands, and feet, by keeping oneself away from it, one can find the right path.
The world is the pride for the people of this world and the hereafter is the server for the people of the hereafter.
Never let family members do these 3 things. 1. Sending the questionnaire away empty-handed. 2. Discuss cooking space. 3. Talking during the call to prayer. Otherwise, wealth will never come.
When Allah's eyes fall on a servant, the deeds automatically become correct.
Arif's austerity is to keep watch over his own self and Arif's identity is to stay away from creation in silence.
Someone asked why you praise hunger so much. He said, "If Pharaoh was hungry, he would never have said that I am God."
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