

Birthday Wishes


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Women Quotes


Necessary Action Will be Taken According to Islamic Law

necessary action will be taken according islamic law, what is islamic law, sunnah as a source of islamic law, hadith as a source of islamic law

Do not be afraid of the ocean of the world, many people have drowned in it.

Do not be proud of the action because the owner of the action is at the end.

Answering a necessary question is also a mouthful.

Poverty saves from sins and poverty is a trap for sins, so make poverty a treasure.

The words of the greedy are not devoid of selfishness and flattery, so it is impossible for him to speak the truth.

One should not remove useless belongings from his house nor leave his family members without belongings.

The concealment of mysteries and mysteries, sufferings and diseases and charity is the treasure of goodness.

I like two things: 1. Good manners 2. Feeding the poor.

Sincerity is the name of that thing, not thinking of condemning or praising people.

I wonder at the person who engages in criticizing people but is oblivious to his own faults.

Good manners are that you should not have the absolute influence of evil spirits on you.

Don't be hasty in loving someone and don't be hasty in hating someone.

If our sin is that we love the world, we still deserve hell.

When Allah is pleased, He opens the way of goodness and closes the way of sin.

If you want to get close to Allah, hide your troubles.

Remembering God before death is an honor. Because it is foolish to plow and sow the crop when it is ripe.

The gratitude and love of you ï·º is like the gratitude and love of God Almighty.

The most generous in the hereafter is the one who has been most fearful in this world.

Today, Allah will make you sad with His mercy, as the sorrow of the creatures.

Remember the Hereafter and its pleasures and pains, and get rid of this world and engage with Allah in the purity of the hearts and souls, in the struggle of the souls, and in the battle with the devils, and become the people of Allah.

He asked for the home of the hereafter and took his step towards it.

Consider the hereafter before the world.

Release your existence from the cages by flying toward your creator.

Be aware that all things refer to Allah, be aware.

Ibn Ata Daya used to pray that O Barala, have mercy on my poverty and loneliness in this world.

Guide me, O leader of bewildering creatures.

Break your belt and turn back, until your inner heart repents and your inner heart becomes sincere, your outward appearance has no credibility.

He would correct his case so that your effort is grateful and the end is good because it is a door in which it is not possible to enter in any other way except the door of command and knowledge.

Teach your children some kind of industry and after finishing it engage in the worship of Allah.

The reason for your failure and ruin is these three dangerous mistakes:

1. Telling someone your secret and begging them to hide it.

2. Committing a sin with the intention that after doing it a few times, I will leave it.

3. Spending more than your income and hoping for divine providence.

Know your reality before you become dust.

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