

Birthday Wishes


Alone Status


Women Quotes


Wishes Quotes for Newly Happy Married Couple in English


When a man has a desire to find a woman's life, he gives her the name of love, the quest is complete, and the love is over.

A man's choice is a bridge over which no fat woman can walk.

Some men do not like loyalty, they cheat on a girl who is loyal to them in all circumstances, choose a girl who is really a temptation to herself, and later cry that a woman is unfaithful. no.

In our society, there are compulsions in the name of marriage, otherwise, when falling in love, the mother's heart will fail and the father's honor will be damaged.

The heart is happy with the fun and with friends. But the soul is always happy by remembering Allah Ta'ala and following the way of the Messenger of Allah.

Not every woman is sold for money. To win some princesses, it takes more respect than wealth to tip the scales.

Love and affection are not the names of making each other slaves and mental patients. Love and affection are the names for ending each other's exhaustion and anxiety and sorrow.

Sometimes a man's seizure is more painful than a woman's cry.

You are a mental slave of the person on whom you have lost your heart!

The world is called the house of deception because here the reality is seen upside down.

A man is forced to kneel before a woman who is beautiful as well as curvaceous.

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