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Child eye problems symptoms

eye problems in toddlers, sudden blurry vision in child, signs of vision problems in babies, eye muscle problems in childhood, child eye focus problems, toddler eyesight, eye problems in infants
 Eye light is very important in human life, without which life becomes dull and dark, so it is very important to protect your eyes so that the eyes are always sharp. Due to lack of eye awareness in Pakistan, most people Eye diseases have been affecting children since childhood, while there are thousands of people who suffer from complex diseases and are losing their eyesight. In less than a decade, the British eye company Screenus Optin has said in a study. The rate of eyeglasses in children between the ages of 13 and 16 has almost doubled. Researchers say that three years ago, the rate of eyeglasses was 35%, while in 2012, the rate of eyeglasses in children aged 13-16 years was 20%.

According to media reports, the reason for wearing glasses is due to pressure on the eyes, blurred vision and vision impairment. It is not known when the eyesight of children starts getting weak, therefore parents should check their children's eyes from time to time. Researchers say that in the past, children only watched TV at certain times, but mobile phones One and tablets are always available to children, which is why children's eyes are always fixed on the screen, which can cause damage to children's eyes. Renowned optometrist and member of the ICEF Vision Health Advisory Board, Dr. Paul Carpecki "In recent years, doctors have seen more cases of glaucoma and retinal myopic disorders, and the biggest reason is that people's screen time has increased," he said.

Complications used to occur in people over 60 years of age, but people over 30 years of age or older are suffering from these diseases due to mobile phone and tablet screens. He said that children's eyes are sensitive. As the age of adults increases, the lenses of the eyes begin to work, but this does not happen in children, which causes the blue light of the screen to go directly to the back of the eyes of children. The ophthalmologist said that blue light damages the retina and over time Children's eyesight begins to weaken. Experts say that you should use a mobile phone or computer every twenty minutes to remove your eyes from the screen and look in front of you up to 20 feet for twenty seconds, which reduces the pressure on your eyes. Researchers say that parents should not give their children mobile phones at all for 2 years and even after two years, allow children to use mobiles for a limited period of time at a specific time so that the rays emitted from the mobile can be seen in the child's eyes. If children between the ages of 7 and 16 must use a mobile phone or tablet, try to use them only as needed.

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